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Signs You Need a Dehumidifier

Signs You Need a Dehumidifier

Humidity is really no friend to anyone. It makes it feel even hotter than it is, it causes your hair to frizz like crazy (ladies, we know you know what we’re talking about) and it can cause real damage to your home and health. You may not have realized it before, but these are some signs that you need a dehumidifier in your home.

Mold Spots on Your Walls

If there are mold spots on the walls of your house, you can probably bet that there’s too most moisture in your home, and you need a dehumidifier to air out the space. These spots can be very common in bathrooms, so always use your fan when you shower and try to keep your ventilation system clean.

Musty Smells

Does your garage have a musty smell that is different from the scent of the rest of your home? You most likely have a mold or mildew problem due to too much moisture in those areas. You’ll need to open as many windows and vents as possible, get a dehumidifier, and, more than likely, a high-quality air filter to address this issue.


Are you noticing water droplets forming on your windows? That’s a tell-tale sign that your home has too much moisture in it. A good dehumidifier will help remove the excess moisture and prevent mold from growing and remove the excess moisture from your home.

Rotting Wood

You know how we mentioned the moisture on your windows? If those water droplets stick around, the wood around your window and under your sinks can become rotted. From there, you can develop termites who love making rotted wood their home. You’ll need a dehumidifier to remove the moisture, and you’ll potentially need to replace the bad wood.

No one wants their home to feel like a sauna, especially when that amount of humidity can be dangerous to your house and health. If you need help controlling the humidity in your home, call Ace Solves It All. We offer a variety of cooling options to keep your home comfortable and safe. For more .information or to schedule a service, call us at (407) 499-8006
