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How Making a Mudroom Can Help Your Indoor Air Quality


How often do you come in from walking in the rain or have the kids come in after running around at soccer practice and just throw your dirty shoes to the side of the doorway? If you’re like most people, it’s probably pretty often. Rather than dropping your stuff at the door, you should invest in making a mudroom that can help your indoor air quality.

Stop Bringing Dirt into Your Home

Every time you walk straight from outside into your living room or kitchen, you’re bringing in the pollen, pollution, mold spores, dust, and other harmful particles that would otherwise stay outside your home.

Before you say “But I’m not spending time anywhere particularly dirty,” think about the areas you spend time in.

Neighborhood Parks

First of all, talk about pollen. Second of all, did you walk on the grass to take your kids to the playground where dozen of other children (with their own germs) play? Or did you go to a dog park and let Fido roll around in the grass, sand, and/or mud?

Sports Games

All that dirt the kids slide into during their baseball games will end up circulating through your home if you head straight into the main house before washing on in your mudroom.


Even if you spend time at home painting the shed or seeding the lawn, you aren’t completely safe. The chemicals from paint and weed remover, not to mention all the pollen from your yard, can negatively affect your air quality.

The Bottom Line

If you have a mudroom, use it to shed dirty jackets, shoes, and sports equipment or wash off before you enter your home. If you don’t have one, consider adding one!

You can also protect your indoor air quality by installing an air purifier to your home. Ask the experts at Ace Solves It All how you can keep your air clean and your family breathing easy.
